Stuart Gilmour

Stuart Gilmour
In memory of:
Carswell Farm Nyabira
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I'm really impressed I know I have to stand behind a meter but for someone with no fashion sense he certainly had a fashion sense well done he actually
you've combed your hair what a waste you've come in Longs what a waste we
here to celebrate not this is not a eulogy this is a celebration of a life Dean you summed up everything I was going to say about Stewart you know for me it's a privilege to be here I was
Plum Tree educator reps educator I sat next to this Gilmore and if I fluff this it's because I couldn't copy off him because he was only good at math so it's a privilege to represent Stu and more family to represent Stu it's family that's the whole family and you are a wonderful family and yes it has been a sad week it really has been but this is a week I think we can all be grateful for when Stu stopped fighting which was last weekend he was taken by God by Monday and that we are very grateful for you know Stu also we had time to be with him we had time to say goodbye to him and that's what makes Stu such a special person you know he showed us how to fight for life and he gave us all a chance to say goodbye that was awesome Stu we all know
the Gilmore family Stu was such a part of an amazing family and over the years farming families um is a product like so many of us here today who are of from products of farming families and and the life in them Stu carried that upbringing with him all through his life and sharing our similar background he was great full of laughter haven't we heard that already the ability to connect with so many people and different people over the years and I think that's who we all represent here for Stu so Stu you're looking down at us wherever you are that's why we're here because you were the one who brought us together individually not in big crowds Stu was amazing like that you know um we started our friendship at reps we were this big he had really particularly big ears which he was always very conscious of but we were six seven years
old at reps and we would sit I can even remember where we sat it was on the
rocks by the swim pool or at the back of reps and we'll talk like everyone's bee
saying talk about us and our family you know that was a little guy and he he was never changed um stew made you feel important and that's an art and it's something we can take from him and it's just great chatting about life St if you were a bon head his swearing jar filled very quickly we got to accept that as well but he was very good um we after reps we went through to Plu Tree and um you know I knew I'd lose my place on this damn the thing so and so it was um plum tree that was out with Outlast outplay and we survived plum tree and um but stew again at Plum Tree it was great we were great friends at Plum Tree and then over the years Stu after Plum Tree um we split out different ways and Stu went off to college and then came back and I have to recall Stu loves sailing for some reason I think there's an awful sailor there but he loves sailing and he always had a really silly question when you're in the middle of the lake and there's a boat on the father end he would say to you mark what do you think they're doing I don't know St do you know how often that used to happen I don't ask stew how would I know and he would ask it again quite soon after and the one evening we were at Tiger Bay with M up and
um I went up early up to the restaurant and an heila said to me who you sing
with Mark I said nice you Gore he said he's very Charming isn't he so I'm not going to agree to that but yes he was so um he's always chatting to the people when we stopped sailing he would walk down the the shore chat to people and disaar always carry a cup of tea obviously that was standard and anyway so stew came up and joined us for dinner in the course of the evening Stew was Charming I remember we had a series of ladies sitting on the table and they were quite elderly so and says to me you see is charming I said okay and and then a a little bit later I heard I think the monkey just got out the bag someone had mentioned an insurance agent and Stu the monkey did Escape but that was stew Stu was a be streamer we were in be streams all through our time he worked he was a tough Sports man you know he was determined in everything he did swimming water po rugby and he love running we all know he loved running I'm going to kick this thing over just now um and I see that that's come through all his life Stu was healthy running until his illness caught up with him I think Mandy isn't it he was still running I mean last time we were up before all this yeah and at times you know he would run with
Mandy which I wouldn't have never done but anyway she's too fast and then he ran with his dogs and um he always was a healthy guy and I've just lost my settings so let me push this back unfortunately with minus one hand and finger and stuff you seem these digital things do go west
yeah um despite his his healthy life sadly in the few in the few last weeks um Stu did battle with his lungs and that I think was one of the saddest thing to see about someone who's so healthy um Stu used to drink tea like you can't believe when we went sailing we'd always take a couple hundred bags of tea bags and then he used to drink that Dreadful stuff cat or what's it called or M mate yeah that Argentinian Roy boss and oh what Dreadful stuff but Stu was always looked after his always healthy after after school like I said Mandy Stu came back with Mandy and Jess and he was on the farm in Marander where we caught up again and I've actually now found my place again and that was the 80s wasn't it yeah and it was so nice to have them all back when Su came back michon land East had his first PUO 405 with bullbars on both ends were just the one both ends yeah you know he was on Shiner and I remember watching Stu doing fire gods he was so ched about his fire gods he was always proud about everything he did on the farm April going out doing the fire guards so I said to him Stu don't you think it's a bit early for marera he said why I've done them now can sit back anyway marander the grass still grows in April and May and he had to do them again when the first Frost came um back in the family fold Stu loved the Farms he loved the ranches he was a home bird we couldn't get him to do anything really could we Mandy he was difficult you booked all the holidays because he wouldn't do it and he loved the life he was born into and that was always such an interesting thing to watch cattle
dogs and family and I'm not putting it in any special order because that might be the right way it should have been you know it depends where you were with st um pako Hills was next and we were all this side the country and Luke you'd arrived by then on pako Hills um I was at your christening and I was a Godfather and I still got to have a bit of a word with you Hy um and no
there's no back backlog of presence for you at all yeah um once Luke was out of nappies it was not long for Gilmore when I'm talking about a Gilmore I'm only talking about one today I know there are a few more around and he started chirping hey you guys haven't started your families and we out of nappies and we already finished anyway so it was cattle cars with bull barade Furniture do you remember that chunky Furniture you used to make and always a beautiful garden but that was you Mandy and that was home to the gilmores on P PUO Hills anyway nappy days were not over as it turned out beautiful Alaska arrived same age as our youngest son and brought much joy to Stew and Mandy um I'm sure Alaska you're listening to us now and this is all about the family and all of you together Mandy you always had amazing Gardens obviously you inherited it you always had amazing Gardens lovely homes and Stu was always proud of them you know it was amazing even though he used to complain about the labor and all the equipment you used to take he loved them he was proud of his homes and you know that that was great trying to get away as I say except for sailing I don't know why he like sailing he used to sit there for seven days and do nothing I think that's probably whyit was always such a mission after PUO Hills kids grew as at T to and the expansion of the family business and then you moved your home to Carwell another lovely home you guys created and so polar to tournaments toddlers nannies horses that was our lives wasn't it Stew was in his enem being social and chatting of the tournaments I know there have quite a few polar players here I never really figured out if Stu really enjoyed his Polo you know he always came away bruised and broken his horses were okay but he definitely loved being among like-minded people proud of his trailers and loved building his trailers to suit his Polo Stu loved his Trucking mechanical side of the business he was always making improving vehicles and the workshops were very much part of business both my son's a mechanical and when we've been sailing Luke we went sailing one trip didn't we and when my sons came saying with Stu when the conversation dropped you just you just said something about a truck and then we were off again we spent days talking about mechanical stuff which I have no interest in Stu was gentle he was straight down the line he didn't hesitate to Cor IR you sitting in Ian's house the other day while Stu was battling to breathe I saw how Stu touches people's lives which is something actually we will never see because we can't see the whole picture of stu um stew represented so much the mix of his parents the business and the kindness of his parents and his upbringing I was sitting there and Eric I don't know if Eric's here today but if if you are Eric I'm sharing your story and Eric came in and worked for stew for some for since he was a delinquent sorry when yeah 18 and in the marketing side and Stu sitting there with his mask putting it on putting it on and he says he points at Eric and he says we bought him a house you know and so I thought oh wow okay look
can never under untangle the Gilmore Empire I don't know who I we us stands for I just we just
know it's it's someone okay so Eric looked up and he said yeah no you bought a house but I went without pay for 6 years it didn't surprise me because that was stew always making a plan and getting and um sorry I've lost my place and making a plan and helping someone I don't think we really know of how many similar stories there are out there Stu loved his family Mandy together you and Stu like so many of us have brought our families through three lifetimes of cck in this country you know he would phone me and I would see his number ringing and Stu had the most incredible neck and Dean again said it when he phone guys and people commenting of phoning me when I needed someone to phone me he was amazing like that I always thought it was God tending to phone me so God found his donkey in stew to phone me and you know Stew was he would phone and ask about the family and then would I'd catch up on all of you guys why one by one and itwas great um if I have to attach a word toStew and don't worry Robin you can it's going to be a safe one I will always attach the words well done to Stu Gilmore you know those are powerful words and so represented a kind and caring person to was when you deserved it Mandy you've got a big hole in your life life now and now it's my turn to say to you well done well done the past year has been difficult with Stu he wasn't the easiest guy we all know that I listened to your meeting Mandy with Stu the doctor in joerg and I heard a strong independent to the point wife I was so impressed the way you handled that difficult discussion Mandy well done it was well done the independence and the strength that that got you through this year will get you through the years in in ahead of us Jess Luke Alaska's dad was always proud of you you know Jess you had a special relationship with old man I see your dad in you and don't lose that and keep that Spirit Alive other people's opinions were not really important to you and not to you either keep it alive Luke when we caught up with Dad two weeks ago just before you just spent the afternoon with him and you spent time he was glowing I have
to tell you he was glowing I imagine Moses looked like that when he came off Mount Si and Stu was so he was so proud of you he kept saying you're a bright guy they have been difficult times but he loved you and he was just so appreciated that time that you spent with him and you guys just talking you know the day I'm talking about and so it's my turn to say Well done Luke brilliant now Luke keep to that track that you talked about with your dad to honor him because that is the life ahead Alaska must be very hard being so far away and you are after
after all Gilmore and a homebirth dad loved your recent time here and broken hearts and grief are shared with you so far away keep his Spirit Alive in America to see you through life finally Stu loved Dreadful music rock music I think it was it just didn't ever make sense to me that he listened to such rubbish for such a nice guy so I'm going to finish up with Psalm 50 it's written by ASF a singer and a worship leader in the Solomon and David Psalm 50 says God does not worry about material things but is Satisfied by worship through Thanksgiving and prayer Stu found that space and that was amazing for me because that is the prayer of a mother for many years and it was great talking to Stu about that part of life and the spiritual part I'm going to read Psalm 50 not too long it's it goes like this I will not rebuke you this is what God's saying remember I will not re rebuke you for your sacrifices or your burnt offerings which are continually before me I will not take a bull from your house or the goats out of your fold for every beast of the forest is mine and the cattle on the Thousand Hills is his I will eat the Flesh of bulls or drink
the blood of goats offer to God your Thanksgiving and pay your vows to the highest call upon me in a day of trouble and I will deliver you and you shall glorify me God Stuart is with God on a thousand hills filled with cattle today and I'm sure he's giving advice so thank you stu for making us all important or feeling important and
thank you for your life here so God bless you all thank you um I don't know if Chris and uh P pet are here are they here are they could you pop up and just give a quick word on on the polo this is this is Unum's planned but we just thought as Polo was such a big part of shu's life we've got to try and include that are you okay with this I'm quite short please excuse my digital notes because they were written in a hell of a hurry and I blame Mandy for this she didn't give me any time I was told to ask to do this on the way in this morning so bear with me please I look around here and I see many of you here who risked your lives on the Polar field with stew you can blame Dave M for that he was the one who got stew into Polo at banet many many years ago I can remember Stu arriving at banet with two bossy cops in his trailer from there he progressed right through to his horses he was so proud of that used to often be chosen by International Teams to play Stu played at banket for many years as I said unfortunately because he had a semi- education at Plum Tree he never read the rule book after a while he moved to Harari and he ended up there as the captain of the club then from there he joined M Zari where he played for many years until he retired several years ago Stu has been said right through here today was a great uh socializer and a great teamman that's the word I'm looking for a teamman he was a great asset to any club he represented he was always willing to help whether it was physically to pick Stables or whether it was to donate meat for tournaments or whatever it was he was a great tournament uh or at least uh club man in 2007 I went to Stu Mandy Bob Sue and um who was the other one yeah to a anyway we had a great trip I think it's the nicest trip best tri
I've ever been on Stu was the life and soul of the party he was in his element he stayed on a the Estancia of Haria he loved his cattle as you all know and he was in his element there we went to an auction cell in in ba where they sold 10,000 head in three hours it was quite incredible Sue also I mean sorry Stu also loved the polar there he was fascinated by the open back home we have all have had a picture of Stu flying up the polar field often in the wrong direction hair hair flying beard blowing and he just loved his PO he didn't mind who he played with what the results of the game was he was a true team man and he will be sadly missed by the whole of the Polar Community thank you thank you Chris I'm just going to read a few uh messages that came from
people that couldn't make it to the funeral um the first one is Peter LEL tribute Stu you're going on another trip which is under God's Direction I just pray it's pain fee pain free rather than hiding it you're talking about it that speaks to your honesty and the fact that you can face the journey with strength you will get strength from your friends and family by doing this what a brave person you are to do this I shall always remember one you standing up to a to bullies two our wonderful breakfast after inspecting my cattle three your comforting and encouraging tap on my shoulder from time to time and four a scarf blowing in the wake of you pulling away from me in a polar game these are few of my wonderful memories Stu and I don't know how to pronounce this I'm sorry this is a Jewish word or Yiddish word and it's mench of menes I looked it up I had to never seen it before and it means person of integrity and honor also kind and caring so you are a mench of Menches I hope I can see you soon sending only love and admiration Peter dear Stuart we'd like to have a walk much longer distance with you have walk much longer distance with you sadly enough Faith decided that you have to walk alone from now on we'll miss your company Farewell My friend HT KatherineManon and Margo is that right my name is Angelique princ from
South Africa my husband and myself had the privilege of to meet Stu in moms Beque in 2022 we l we met Luke in South Africa since then we've been friends with Mandy and Luke met Jess too with great a great servant heart Mandy with a gift of organizing things and good planning it's an honor to have met Stuart, I had the privilege to take care of him for a week while he was here in sa for treatment and visit him in hospital I've learned that Stu realized that the things we worry about in this life don't mean that much Philippians 4:6 do not not be anxious about anything but in prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus he also realized and confessed and let go of hurts that people caused and to forgive and set them free this was important for us to remember as he we've got to remember Jesus as he died for our sins we missed you and all his wonderful stories and the love he shared in his in his fragile time he made some jokes and life and to me he was so wonderful you'll always be in my my heart and he she called him um stu um the next one is Gareth let me just see this I'm I'm I'm better with technology on this one buddy it's just better dab paper okay uh rol Hansen rol I met Stuart at approximately 30 years ago when I began working at Coswell meets about 20 years ago I started to work more closely with Stuart managing the Coswell group we faced many challenges together as zimbar was going through turbulent times Stu's positive
attitude and dedication always prevailed. I remember when he broke his leg he insisted on coming to work in a modified car with a driver. The work the staff would then carry him up to the office and this was a reflection of Stuart' loyalty and dedication to the company.
I always discussed my off the tangent ideas with him and his Common Sense approach always seemed to stare me right I'm proud to being his work colleague and friend Stuart will be sorely missed by his family work colleagues and friends and you I know you would like to simpler life running a farm with a few of cattle and your horses travel well my friend Gareth Evans sorry we didn't get more onfield play together not many people can say it like you did St a bloody legend your kindness and willing to help willingness to help are rare in this world Stacy Logan one moment can change a day Stu I can't imagine how you're feeling I hope the pain is not unbearable I hope to get some Spen some time you get to spend some time walking your cattle and horses letting all the memories run through your head I've been so lucky to have crossed paths with you and enjoy so much time with you on the farm and your horses you gave me the privilege of riding and training so many different horses the chance to learn to ride better and to play polo something I
dreamt of and you gave me the opportunity to do so the opportunity you gave me opened up my next door to me allowing me to make a profession with horses I owe this all to you stu thank you the for helping my sister get a job with Weeden which too set her on the path of success I have so much to thank you for and I know that I'm one of many that you've guided cared for and helped in life I'm so grateful to you to your smile and laughter is infectious and may you continue to spread it thank you for always keeping in touch you're an amazing man thank you for changing my life and for being someone I can count on for treating me so with with so much
care respect and love thank you stu
this is Megan Jo cuz they didn't want to get up but faha but you were loved by all who crossed your path you instilled in Joe and me the love of horses and your glass was always half full what matter what challenges you faced your words when Rock was diagnosed was cancer St life is not fair the sooner you accept that the happier you'll be have been my Mantra I'm sorry we were just too late to hug you one last last time I love you stu so blessed you have called you my brother and I'm sure you're having a good chat with Dad about the Brahman herd up there this is from Bron we'll cherish the mo memories of kisar kba 1978 digs in London and in digs in London various holidays in mosm Beek together all our love and strength Tony Bron and family um and he sent some pictures uh with him and fish catching fish and then he says that's hard was woman loved us and the fish feared us all right now we're going to have the family section and so Libs is going to come up and read a poem I think so good morning everyone
I feel that this poem is from stew to all of us who loved him when you awaken in the morning's hush I am the soft uplifting Rush of quiet birds in rounded flight
Dear Mandy Jessica Luke and Alaska,thinking of you all today remembering Stewart’s life.lits of love Madeleine xx
Sending much love to you all at this sad time. Will always remember Stu with much fondness. He was a long-standing, loyal friend to Peter and a gentleman on and off the polo field. Blessings this day as you celebrate his life. Sam xxx
Mandy, Luke, Jess and Alaska, so many happy times , so many happy memories never to be forgotten. Wish we could be there but our thoughts are with you all .
Hamish Lyndsey and family
Mandy, Jessica, Luke and Alaska – may you find comfort in each other during this difficult time.
I know how much Stu loved his family and you will be testament to that love and will keep him present through what you have built together.
Sending so much love to you all.
Dear Mandy, Luke, Jess & Alaska,
Thinking of you all and sending all our love and strength at this time.
James & Becky Wood
RIP Stu, you will be sorely missed. Thoughts and prayers with Mandy, Jess, Luke and Alaska and the rest of your wonderful family
What a beautiful send off for Stu. He will be missed by everyone he crossed paths with. We are sorry that we could not be there but you are all very much in our thoughts today. Lots of Love Duncan & Roxy Ellis
Dear Gilmour family, our thoughts and prayers are with you today. RIP Stuart. Lots of love Mali & Paul
Dear Gilmour family,
I offer my condolences on the loss of Stu.
I had the privilige to travel with Stu and 18 other people I did not know before on an old army truck from London to Johannesburg from September 1981 till February 1982. I left the Encounter Overland trip in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, to travel home to The Netherlands. I attended the reunion in Belgium in 2022, that Stu could not attend.I was looking forward to finally meet him again in Sicily in April 2025, I am sad this will not happen.
I watched the celebration live, it was very impressive. There was a lot of recognition in the words spoken by several people. Stu really was a nice guy.
Wishing you a lot of strength and courage during these sad days and time ahead.
Stuart, I will always remember, with great fondness, those wonderful, almost innocent days when you and Mandy and I shared a home together in North London, back in the 1980s. As young parents attempting to control two toddlers, there were way too many moments of unbridled chaos and far too many laughs.
So much has happened since then. You, Mandy and the kids returning to your life in Zim, and me to my new career in Hong Kong. But despite the distance, you remained my champion and greatest supporter.
You lived a good life, and to steal a quote from author Nishan Panwar;
“We are all stories in the end, remembered by the adventures we had, the achievements we made and the people we loved. Your story, Stuart, is a good one.”
Go well my friend.
Pete Wood, Hong
Stuart, I will always remember, with great fondness, those wonderful, almost innocent days when you and Mandy and I shared a home together in North London, back in the 1980s. As young parents attempting to control two toddlers, there were way too many moments of unbridled chaos and far too many laughs.
So much has happened since then. You, Mandy and the kids returning to your life in Zim, and me to my new career in Hong Kong. But despite the distance, you remained my champion and greatest supporter.
You lived a good life, and to steal a quote from author Nishan Panwar;
“We are all stories in the end, remembered by the adventures we had, the achievements we made and the people we loved. Your story, Stuart, is a good one.”
Go well my friend.
Pete Wood, Hong
So sorry no time to say good bye.
New Year at Twin Springs with you and family when all rivers flooded around the Conservancy – 20/21 season .
Special memory.
You made every body feel important
Rest peacefully friend.
Whenever we think of Stu, he will always be attired in tie die driving the blue and white Ford Bronco with the most genial personality. A great guy, a fine friend. All the best to all the family
Paul and Caryl
Dearest Mandy, Jess, Luke and Alaska,
What a fitting send off for a wonderful man and dear friend, I’m sorry we couldn’t be there but we were there in spirit and our prayers are with you at this most difficult time. Stu was a very kind, generous and loving man who touched many lives and I’m proud to call him my friend.
Dear Mandy, Jess,?Luke and Alaska,
Stu will be so missed. He was a such a kind person.
I hate to say this but No One could say the word “fuck” Like he could. Not even the Queen would have been offended!
I will never forget our hunting camps with Gus, you used to make me laugh so much Stu.I will miss your humor and of course sarcasm. Bye my friend,
I will see you in the after life. XX
Love KK.
The most beautiful send off for Stu… He was so passionate about his Polo & I loved being in his team. Always so encouraging & as Pat said… it never mattered whether he won or lost. As long as it was fun…that was all that mattered. Without Stu I would never have never started playing Polo… He lent me his entire string whilst he was in the UK. I will be forever thankful to him for that.
More latterly he got me in to harnessing and driving horses. He gave me his old carriage which goes out around the farm everyday.
He always kept in touch no matter what, we always talked horses & right up to the end he still wanted to breed polo ponies & was planning to move one of our stallions to Carswell to carry on this legacy….breeding polo ponies & playing was his passion.
Will miss your calls and messages, sharing that passion of horses Stu.
Mandy, Jess, Luke, Alaska, Robin, Deane, Ian & Sonia, Megs & Jo… my love and heartfelt sympathy to you all.
Gallop free in horse heaven Stu till we meet again xxx