Dr Jacqueline (Jackie) Carey Stone

Dr Jacqueline (Jackie) Carey Stone

In memory of:






Highlands Presbyterian Church


  1. Karen Van Der Merwe

    Jacquie thank you for your service and dedication to the struggling Zimbabwe nation. You were head girl at Jameson and I had the privilege to meet you at Celebration Church when you came to talk to us. I pray for strength and comfort for your family and friends.Gods richest blessings Karen Latilla VanDer Merwe


      REST IN PEACE My friend

    • Leonie Marais

      Jacque words fail me.The world has lost an amazing Doctor and we have
      lost a beautiful friend. My sincere condolences to her 3 Children, Basil, Siggy, Michael and Mark. RIP dearest Jacque 🙏

  2. Sue Hornby

    Jackie was an amazing woman..my husband Ken spoke of her often and her family. I met them but to be honest my memory isn’t great after my brain ops. Sadly Ken is no longer here but I felt I had to leave a message of love and support.

  3. Grant Robinson

    That infectious laugh, from the belly to miles around in a double act with a huge smile and twinkling eyes that drew you in to savour the moment … and there were many of those to enjoy over countless family holidays together, from Eiffel Flats to Kariba, Durban and more. Special times with a special cousin who is loved and missed.

  4. Rose nee Poulton Hepple

    Jackie was my star student. I had the privilege of teaching her ‘A’ level Maths and Chemistry. A great friend, so grateful for our time together when she lived in Adelaide. Love & sympathies to all the family. RIP dear Jackie xxxx

  5. Barbara

    Right from the beginning you spoke out about Covid when few would listen. You saved many lives with your protocol but instead of being applauded for it, they took away your licence. So very sorry Jackie that the system failed you. We have lost an outstanding doctor but your legacy will live on and only grow in stature. May you rest in peace. Heartfelt Co dolences to your children and family. Sending so much love to you all.

  6. Lorraine Whittard

    Dear Jackie, I cannot believe that we have lost your beautiful smile, and wonderful sense of humour. The world will not be the same without you. You helped us so much here in Australia during Covid. I followed you advice with Xavier my grandson who was born prem, and because of his health issues we may have lost if he contracted Covid. We have only you to thank for the fact that did not happen. I cannot believe you have left us in such awful circumstances. RIP my dear friend, I am sure all the angels will be waiting to honour such a beautiful soul. A great loss to the medical world. Condolences to her family.

  7. Nicollette Ford

    RIP Dr Stone. You saved my husband and my aunt from COVID/long COVID/ COVID complications. For that I am eternally grateful 🙏🏻

  8. Mike and Ingrid Lowe

    The world has lost an amazing, passionate doctor. So many amazing memories of fun times that our families spent together in Adelaide. Our thoughts are with Michaela, Nick and Sarah.RIP Dear Jackie

  9. Joe

    Sincere Condolences to the family – what an incredible woman that gave of herself to our country in the most difficult of times

  10. Bev Bradnick

    Jacqui your excellence and bravery did not go unnoticed and you will be sorely missed by the lives you touched, mine being one of them. The world has lost a devoted Doctor, who’s only ‘wrong ‘ was to seek the truth, and save lives. Thank you Jackie, for your sacrifice. You are loved by many.

  11. Nicky Gripper

    Jackie, you made the ultimate sacrifice! You touched our family deeply. Thank you for what you did for humanity. Rest in peace.

  12. Les, Greg and Ryley Hall

    We are truly sorry to all Jackie’s family, especially Kayla, Sarah and Nick and all her friends for such a massive loss. Indeed the entire medical world has lost an incredible woman who worked tirelessly to save many lives. She will be so sorely missed . May our Father comfort and be with each of you. God bless. Greg Les and Ryley

  13. Laetitia Niehaus (Tish)

    RIP Jackie. You touched and saved the lives of so many people around the world. May all that you worked so hard for be taken forward in the works of all your like-minded colleagues who have the ability and knowledge to keep your legacy going. You will be fondly remenbered. Deepest sympathy to all the family.


      REST IN PEACE My friend

  14. Dr Kay Deeming

    Sending my sincere condolences to Jackie’s family. I had the privilege of working alongside Jackie as a colleague in Emirates Airline Clinic for 5yrs. Her medical knowledge was second to none, her compassion took her time and time again beyond the call of duty of care towards her patients, whom she put above everything else.
    Her infectious laugh along the corridors preceded her physical presence and her wicked humour was a joy to hear.
    She was held in my highest esteem as a colleague.
    I am saddened to hear of her sudden death but want to convey to her family what a fabulous doctor she was whilst we worked together.
    May you rest in peace Jackie.

  15. Charné Copeland Gerber

    Dearest Jackie and Family. What a tragedy, incredible loss and injustice has taken place.

    Jackie saved millions of lives, including my own, my family and my patients with her early treatment and prevention protocols.

    My family and I never contracted covid. I had no covid deaths and a 100%recovery rate with the safe&effective protocol that Jackie and the flccc applied.

    I fondly remember my first meeting with this Covid Hero on a Zoom Meeting, early 2021.

    I praised God for her wisdom, courage, tenacity and bravery.

    What a selfless giver and bringer of truth and hope, Jackie is and was.

    I regret that I knew not of her personal suffering and was unaware that she was de-registered by her Council.

    How inhumane and contrary to what should have been bestowed upon her.

    The Highest Accolade and the Noble Prize for saving millions of lives.

    Her prosecutors and persecuters will be judged harshly and their day of reckoning will come for sure. God will judge and avenge.

    The witch hunt of Doctors who saved lives and upheld medical ethics should be stopped immediately, but those causing preventable deaths and injuries should be prosecuted and persecuted for doing harm.

    Romans 8vs 35-39. Nothing, not even death, sperates us from God’s love.

    You are greatly loved Jackie and highly respected.

    My deepest condolences to her children and family.

    Jackie’s legacy will live on in and threw us.

    Her precious life and tragic, untimely death, will not be in vain.

  16. Jill & Ken

    Very fond memories of time spent with Jackie in Southport U.K. Windsor U.K. Dubai and of course Zimbabwe .
    RIP special lady 💙

  17. Jan Bryham

    I also am one the those who had the honour to work with Jackie. I have spoken to many people over the past few days and everyone begins their story with ‘Jackie helped me with…’.
    She was selfless in her drive to help others through her exceptional knowledge of medicine. Driven to find answers when others found it easier to walk away. She would fight tooth and nail for what she believed in. Her passion and drive came accompanied by that beautiful laughter.
    Jackie, you will be sadly missed. But never forgotten.
    Michaela, Nic and Sarah – thinking of you all.

  18. Dr Kenneth Stephen Dodanwatawana

    Dear Dr Jackie,
    I grieve with the wider community and pray for strength and offer my sincere condolences to your beloved Children and those who knew you personally, This was the most shocking news ever. Heartbreaking and at a loss for words. You were born to be a doctor You applied yourself diligently to prepare yourself for your vocation whilst still in school and pursued your studies and career despite the difficult challenges in Zimbabwe and returned home to serve your People to care with love, positivity and to fight for those who needed you most as soon as possible after gaining more experience and distinguished international qualifications and memberships of Royal Colleges. You were a lover of Souls as Our Lord Jesus is, and your love reached all sentient beings, in the animal kingdom too. Your Spirit shall live on Jackie. May Jesus’ Light Shine on you as you take your place among the Angels, and may you be raised with the Righteous, Amen .

  19. Alan Wood

    Jackie will always be remembered for her amazing intellect, wonderful laugh, her zest for life and fun. Special memories especially from a group trip to Zim in 1986 – 16 of us travelling all around Zim together.
    Fantastic to hear how much she did during Covid, but a tragedy that her own profession so badly let her down.

  20. Lara

    I had the pleasure of knowing you as a friend, your ability to change the subject mid-sentance used to make me laugh. I loved my time with you. It was an honour. You will be missed but never forgotten. Rest in peace now my friend, your fight is over.

  21. Faith and Keith Brown

    Dearest Jackie, I will never forget the fun we had while working at the Wellington Hospital in London. Nor will I forget my first time in Cape Town when you had arranged for Richard to pick me up at the airport and after 2 hours of waiting, along came 2 very funny men, one in a supermarket trolley and the other one pushing – that one being Richard. I won’t mention the celebration they had had the night before. During that holiday I had a lot of fun and went to Zim and met your wonderful parents. Other special times followed and we lost contact when you were in Australia sadly.
    Jackie, I will always remember you as a caring doctor and a dear friend and I have never forgotten you and this for me is a very sad day. Both Keith and I send condolences to all your loved ones.

  22. Christine Smith

    Mr and Mrs Stone and to Jackie’s immediately family and her brothers, I am at such a loss for words. There is just no words at a time like this other than i am so SORRY for your loss. Jackie was loved and adored by EVERYONE she EVER met, what an incredible woman. My heart feels pain so how much more do your hearts. Sending you all so much love. From Christine Smith nee van der Heever aka GOOFY.

  23. Claire and Mair Vincent

    Jackie, you will always be remembered for being such a talented and kind person. We will hold you in our hearts always. Sending love to the family xx

  24. Susan Bell

    Happy memories Jackie especially our last coffee catch up in Melbourne. Running to catch a tram and as the doors were closing before we could get in, Jackie thrust her umbrella in the doorway hoping it would reopen the doors. The tram departed, doors closed with umbrella protruding and us left on the platform in Carlton laughing like loonies. I think of you every time I pass that tram stop. Devastated to hear you have left us. Fly with the Angels you wonderful woman.

  25. Mark Raad

    GOD Bless You Jakie Stone! You where a True Pillar of Light and Love, Blessings and Gratitued for all your service to humanity and future generation for all of eternity! Rest in Peace knowing you have changed the whole world for the better!

  26. Roy Gordon

    Roy and Margie GORDON
    We remember Jax as a gifted beautiful generous and compassionate outstanding Head Girl
    at Jameson High School in Kadoma. Undoubtedly one of the most capable pupils we ever encountered. Her professional achievements speak for themselves.Our thoughts love and prayers are with you Siggy
    Basil Mark and Mike.

    • fraser edkins

      very pleased to hear you are both still with us Mr Gordon – my favourite teacher.

  27. Tracey Mallon

    to a fellow jameson student, our paths may have crossed briefly, however you mafe an enormous impact, go well chisari shamwari

  28. Dr Geoffrey Drew

    Watching from Johannesburg

    • Dr Geoffrey Drew

      Dear Nick and sisters ,
      thank you for your beautiful testimony about the selfless love of your mother. We in South Africa at SAVIMS could only admire her electronically. She was a mighty woman in the world. I was most glad to hear of her faith in the the Lord Jesus Christ . The only saviour in the world. Be sure you follow her example in this and you will see her again. Of this I am certain.

  29. Michael Hardcastle

    Joining from Sunny Hampshire in the UK

  30. Jim McCormixk

    Our sincere condolences Basil, Siggy and family. May your memories of Jackie and all that she achieved in her lifetime help to ease the pain.
    Fond memories of our days on the Cam, on the squash court and golf course.

  31. Annette Croshaw nee Botha

    Remembering and celebrating Jackie’s life. We were at school together and knowing Jackie there, I know her passions and how very hard she worked to fulfill her dreams. I am so very sorry for her passing, she didn’t deserve it. Sending my warmest wishes to her family and friends all over the world.
    What a woman Jackie was.

  32. Lisa Henry

    A profound loss to the world, and a greater one to all who knew and loved her. My thoughts are with her family and friends. Rest in peace, Jackie.

  33. Sibongile Chihaka

    May her soul R.I.P.

  34. Sydney Brain Konjore

    The Konjore family together with the Goreseb family wish to extend our deepest heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. May her soul rest in eternal peace.

  35. Dr Nathi Mdladla

    A dear colleague who became a close friend and collaborator on anything COVID. A true warrior to the end. She helped us save many lives in our ICU in GaRankua (SA) in the 2020 Beta wave and the 2021 Delta wave! May you remain forthright and the same in your next life my friend. Missing you 😔

  36. Pamela Gwatidzo

    The medical fraternity has lost a brilliant mind, a valiant fighter and a shining star. Jacqui’s legacy will continue to inspire future generations of healthcare professionals to stand up for what is right and advocating for those who need a voice. She never shied away from a fight standing strong against adversity even if it meant she was a sacrificial lamb. Her life may have been cut short but she lived a life full of purpose, passion and meaning. A life well lived. May the family and friends find strength and solace in the memories of her remarkable life and the difference she made in the lives of so many.
    Rest in peace, Jacqui. Your legacy will never fade!

  37. Michele Stainton

    RIP brave lady. Deepest condolences to Jackie’s family.

  38. Dave Heyns

    Have many great memories of Jackie at Jameson, school holidays, lots of laughter. A privilege to have known you, and known of your remarkable life Jackie. Good to have seen you earlier this year. BIG love to your family and close friends. Continue to inspire by your example, and be at peace in love and light.

  39. Julian Holmes

    Jackie, so many great memories with you and the family in Dubai. Gone too soon and your legacy lives large in Zimbabwe and I’m learning around the world. Fly high and go well. Love from Julian and family.

  40. Helen McNeilage

    Go well and rest in eternal peace. Thank you for your sterling efforts and saving so many lives at a time when the world was in crisis. You will never be forgotten.

  41. Colleen Aldous

    Jackie will never know just how highly respected she was.

  42. Nigel MK Chanakira

    Dr Jackie Stone was My heroine during the Covid-19 pandemic during my term of office as chairman of SOTZIM. She saved lives in the hundreds during this crisis whilst others were too scared and with very little knowledge of to treat patients. She spent hours on end explaining to me, an economist and businessman all that I could absorb about this dreadful disease. We brainstormed much on the phone, in her office and at my office trying to find practical solutions to save lives. Indeed lives were saved through her and I would never have been as daring as I was as chairman of SOTZIM and I’m certain that the board too counted on her. Irreplaceable Dr Jackie I’m heartbroken that the Vic Falls dreams are kinda shattered. MHDSRIP.

  43. Dawn Rorke

    What a brave woman , may her dear soul rest in peace , she will always be remembered by so many , may you as her family be comforted by knowing she served her divine purpose on this earth, Be Blessed.

  44. Professor Tony Pinching

    RIP Jackie. My sincere condolences to her family and friends at this intensely difficult time.
    Jackie was for quite some time a registrar on my HIV/AIDS team in London in the early years of that pandemic. She was always immensely capable, very willing, forever enquiring, and wonderfully caring in her clinical work, and a superb team player with patients and colleagues.
    Above all, I knew that I could trust my patients in Jackie’s care: they were safe and secure.
    I gather that her special qualities led her on to make a difference for many other patients across the world.
    I am deeply saddened to hear of her death, and of some of the very difficult circumstances surrounding that.
    In our sadness, we must hold before us longest her very fine qualities as a doctor and as a person.

  45. lynette Hundermark

    Fly high

  46. Dr Nyaradzo Mgodi, Harare

    MHDSRIEP. May the good Lord comfort her loved ones and colleagues.

  47. Stella Arab

    What an amazing woman, what a legacy, thank you for saving so many lives during covid with your protocol, including mine.

    Deepest condolences to her family , friends and colleagues. Your loss is our loss.

    Sleep easy Dr Stone, you ran your race well.

  48. Nicky

    Much honor and love to the Dr Jacky Stone. Fair winds and peace to her family

  49. Mike Wells

    Fare thee well Jackie. We shared some great times together in Dubai working for Emirates. We had no idea of your enormous achievements once back in Zim, but remember fondly the outrageous laughter you brought with you.
    Mike and Miriam. Southwold UK

  50. Theo

    May her soul rest in internity,our thoughts and prayers are with her n de family

  51. Einstein Makuyana

    Dr Jackie had a big heart she supported everyone in any way she could, she saw the vision that even the ordinary people couldn’t see. I will indeed forever miss her

    Rest in peace Dr Stone

  52. Rose Nyakudya Mavima

    My sincere condolences. Jackie was and will be a shining star.MHDSRIP 🙏

  53. Moira Robinson

    Sincere condolences to you all. My heart is broken for you all.

  54. Lynette McCormick

    Billy and Lynn {Kok} McCormick watching from Kleinmond Western Cape SA
    Arthur Dunkley lived in Kleinmond and I am a cousin of his.
    Arthur spoke very highly of Jackie.

  55. Leigh Wood

    What an incredible Warrior Woman you are Dr Jackie Stone… your LEGACY will live on and your story will be told… it was a privilege and honour to meet you at the Healing in Africa Summit you organised. Thank you so much for all the incredible work you did in your life time, you are a true inspiration! My deepest condolences to her family Michaela, Sarah, Nick and Steve, her friends and colleagues. To those her spoke in her ceremony, your eulogies were so incredibly beautiful and such a very special honouring of Jackie. So much courage, gentleness and love to you all. With love Leigh Wood

  56. Heather Hahn

    So sorry not to be there. Jax, you will be so missed. Will always remember our hysterical giggling. Love you so very dearly.

  57. Louise Barry-Taylor

    Sending love and prayers to everyone in Jackie’s family – Mr and Mrs Stone, Michael, Jackie’s gorgeous “children” (todays the first time I’ve seen you). I hadn’t seen Jackie for many many years, having grown up on the Cam, I knew Jackie, Michael and Mr & Mrs Stone. Jackie’s reach was far and wide though, because of her, my chronically asthmatic daughter was not taken down or out by Covid. Because of Jackie, we knew about the Covid protocol. Because of Jackie and my sister, we had access to the ionanic silver, Ivermectic, zinc etc. I am among the many who are eternally grateful that you lived your purpose Jackie. Thank you, thank you! God bless you, Jackie, rest in peace, I am sure our Heavenly Father is saying “well done my good and faithful servant” for everything you accomplished, all the lives you touched. I pray that the peace
    that passes all understanding will be prevalent in the hearts of all Jackie’s family and loved ones.
    With lots of love x

  58. Selina Arthur

    A true brave hero. A doctor who has ethics and heals.

    My condolences to Jackie’s family and friends.

    You should be proud of your amazing mother . One of a kind

  59. Rose Brent

    So sorry about your untimely death . My husband and i owe our lives to Jackie. So i just want to tthank Jackie

  60. Jan Hart

    You always were and always will be a bright shining light. It was an honour to know you.

  61. Rosalyn du Toit

    Our love, thoughts and prayers to all the family. Jackie will always be remembered, rest in peace.
    Rosalyn & Eben

  62. Errol and Christine Smith

    Jackie was a truly gifted, intelligent and loving person. She will be sadly missed by all. Our condolences go to all the family and Steve.
    We are listening to the service from the UK. A fitting remembrance to her life with many glowing tributes. RIP Jackie.
    From the Smiths (ex Eiffel Flats).

  63. Owen Jarman

    Terribly saddened to have learnt of Jackie’s tragic death. The torment that she went through after being dragged to court 27 times and stripped of her licence was just too much.
    I did not know Jackie well but did have a couple of meetings with her recently when trying to offer her possible options to her predicament by trying to connect her with a new organisation soon to replace the corrupt evil WHO. A sense of despair and resignation was detected for the level of what she was up against. I just wish there was more I could have done to alleviate that despair.
    So sad that Jackie could not have held on just a bit longer. The New Earth is already here and the Golden Age is upon us.
    The dark forces that led to Jackie’s demise will soon be defeated.
    Rest in Peace Jackie and sincere condolences to your family and partner.

  64. Jessica Snyman

    Jackie your LEGACY will live on….. Deepest condolences to family. Rest in Peace Jacky.
    Regards Jessica (ex Jameson High School student)

  65. Jan Bryham

    Thank you for letting us join from afar today.

    Thank you to Michaela, Nic and Sarah. Your mum would be so proud of you all. Just as we all are to have had Jackie in our lives.

  66. Vanessa Gray

    May Jackie rest in peace. She was a true warrior. The world needs more like her. My sincere condolences to Jackie’s family. xx

  67. Shirley Raubenheimer

    Our sincerest
    Condolences to all the family. What a beautiful person she was.
    Ex Kadoma items
    Glan and Shirley Raubenheimer

  68. Graeme & Ronni Bradstock

    Bless you Jax, your laugh will live on forever
    Graeme & Ronni xxx

  69. Julie Cox nee Raubenheimer

    A moving and beautiful celebration of Jackie today. She was and is truly loved. Thank you for sharing this with us scattered around the world. RIP Jax and deepest condolences again to all the family & Steve 🙏🌻

  70. Tina Peers

    Jackie you are a shining light in the darkness. You are a truly incredible woman. A leader who lives by your principles and who has worked tirelessly to always help others. You showed us all how to be ethical, true and strong. We will all miss you. Thank you Jackie for everything. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  71. Anne Sumner

    Thank you for a fitting tribute to a remarkable woman. My heart ♥️ goes out to Jackie’s beloved children. You did your mother proud today. Thank you for tenderly sharing your love for her at this time. It was healing for us all. I am one of her med school friends.

  72. Vicki Lewis

    I met Jackie through Kylie & Ben Stols & she was my doctor at McLaren Vale. She was a brilliant doctor & helped me a lot , I will be forever grateful to her & am so sad of her passing
    Vicki Lewis

  73. Raff Comacchio

    Dearest Jackie, we met 30 years ago while working at Bart’s in London. Your infectious laugh and radiant energy will always be with me, as will all the memories of happy times in the UK and Adelaide.
    Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to me and Kevin.
    Sending all my love to Michaela, Nicholas and Sarah.
    Fly high with the Angels dear Jackie.


      REST IN PEACE My friend

  74. Terry Perotti

    Our very, very deepest condolences to all the family. We remember Jackie with love and affection and especially remember all the fun times had in Kadoma. An exceptional doctor, an amazing human, a wonderful mum and loved by all. who earned all our respect. Rest in peace Jackie xxx

  75. Jenny Fynn

    Thank you Jackie for your incredible selfless healing of so, so many people, and your tireless dedication against all dreadful odds. We truly salute you, one of the most brilliant minds this country has produced, your passing is the world of medicine’s and our tragic loss. God bless you and your family.

  76. Jim and Alida McCormick

    What a comfort that Jackie knew the Lord. A beautiful service to celebrate her life. Thank you for the wonderful message to all who mourn. May God comfort you and may you find peace in Him.

  77. Denise Osterloh, Cayman Islands

    You were larger than life itself Jax- a true hero and a brilliant kind soul…you will live on in those whose lives you have touched, in whatever way….. xxx

  78. Leta Ketlhabanetswe

    Watching from Botswana-Mmadinare. Rest in peace Jacquie

  79. Marina Muhlberg

    Dearest Dr. Jackie Stone. We will miss you so much. We will never forget you & all you did for humanity. You were a true Doctor who lived by her oath & saved many. You touched & changed my life & of my family – thankyou. Condolences to the Stone family & friends. RIP Dr. Jackie Stone. A HERO INDEED!

  80. Junner

    Dearest Siggie and Basil, Alex and I were devastated when we heard. We send our heartfelt co dolences to you and your family. A preciousshining light taken too soon. Lo ve Alex and Margie Junner

  81. Thomas Borody

    Oooh Jackie I will miss our discussions
    So much still to do…yet you achieved and battled illness and ignorance!
    May God be near you

  82. Dr Tom Borody

    Jackie, time to rest after all these unbelievable struggles
    Condolences to family

  83. Anne Veronneau

    My sincerest condolences to the family. The world has lost a brilliant and beautiful woman. Rest in peace dearest Jackie, we will see you again one day,

  84. Loveness Makoni

    An open minded integrative medicine practitioner gone too soon. A great loss indeed to the family and the nation. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during these difficult times. May her soul rest in peace.

  85. Ben stols

    Jackie was incredible. I was lucky enough to know her most of my life and there are no words to properly describe the talented and caring person she was. She was the naughtiest person I have ever known with a laugh that no one will ever forget. There are too many stories to share about Jackie weather it was the countless times I had to bring her shoes to work coz she had gone in bear foot or the time her flowing blue skirt was tucked into her knickers walking out the door, or even when she didn’t like a mole on my back so cut it out at the bar. She was a great mentor , friend , mother and I’m just so sorry that we all failed u in the end Jax. I hope u rest in peace because no one has ever deserved it more

    • Chris

      Dear Ben,
      Are you Mark’ Son.
      If yes, please for ward me his contact.
      I a m Chris who worked with your Dad at Emirates.
      Kind regards,
      Chris and Gene ex DXB

  86. Mrs. Bown

    A strong, brave doctor who dared to step outside the box to save her patients. So terribly sorry you did not receive the recognition you deserved.

  87. Monica Banks

    Sarah, I’m your mom’s hair stylist. Did your hair too. How I loved her hair appointments with me. We had so much to talk about. I’ve cried too. I’m here if you ever need a mom to talk to, all of you. Love and God bless, Monica

  88. Bruce and Sandy Watkins

    What a great tribute to such an accomplished Doctor. You have certainly left your indelible mark on the Zimbabwean society and all over the world. Our love, thoughts and prayers to all the family and friends. Rest in Everlasting Peace Jackie. Watching from Lincolnshire.

  89. Margie

    Watching from Australia, we are so very saddened to here about the passing of this extraordinary Dr who achieved so much and dedicated her life to helping so many people ,
    Our thoughts go out to all her family and friends .
    Someone brave enough to think outside the square , , the world needs people people like you Jackie Stone

  90. Helene

    Blessings from Somerset West. Your life has enriches us ! God bless you always

  91. Paul Hersch

    Although I hadn’t been in touch with Jackie in over 25 years I thought about her often. I would tell people of the brightest person in our class and how in our tutorial group of six we would answer the easy questions and leave the tough ones to Jackie, who then made us all look good! She had a truly brilliant mind. I remember how as medical students we would clerk patients on the ward. One of these patients had been sent to the Professor of Medicine because he was a particularly difficult case. After spending time with the patient and taking a thorough history, Jackie concluded that his refractory hypertension was the result of him eating too much liquorice whilst on the road as a long-distance lorry driver! Everyone, including the Professor, was stunned! Of course, she was right! Jackie had an enormous heart and generosity of spirit. She would spend hours helping others to understand the Krebs cycle or other unfathomable concepts. Jackie was always such fun and so full of life – always organising something for someone else: a surprise birthday party, a night out on the town, a trip to Paradise Island off Mozambique or a graduation pen and pencil gift set that I still have to this day.

    I’ve told many people how she looked after a shark attack victim so well they eventually got married! When she was working in London and had a needlestick injury from an HIV positive patient, all she had to do was phone Richard and he was on the next plane out from Dubai.

    I remember looking forward to meeting up with her at our 25th year reunion as I saw that her name was down to attend but for some reason she didn’t come. I thought of her every year on her birthday that was the day after my own. I so wish now I had made contact on those occasions. I didn’t know of Jackie’s celebrated status for her role in the COVID pandemic in Zimbabwe but I’m not surprised. She was a radical thinker and a person of enormous integrity, energy and intellect. She was a much loved, highly respected doctor and human being. The world needs more people like her. Her death is a great, great tragedy and an enormous loss to us all. Our hearts go out to you Richard, Michaela, Nicholas and Sarah for your devastating loss. May all your happy memories and those of others help you through this dark time.

  92. Sanet Pyper

    RIP Jans. Mother earth is more empty without such an incredible woman

  93. Maxine Marsh

    Dr Jackie
    I met you 2002 in Dubai at Emirates. During my abinitio, you were ever so kind and caring, I immediately found my go to person for anything and everything, you quickly became my confidant and my visits to EK clinic to see you thereafter became just me needing advise and a friendly ear from home. Roll on 18+ years, Covid hits & you literally saved my life.
    A true gem, gone too soon, forever you will reside in my heart 🩷🌸
    Sincere condolences to all family & friends MHDSRIEP🕊️

  94. Neil Hustler, Guy Henderson,Andy Geard

    UCT colleagues, really sad to hear of this. A caring colleague who stood up for her patients and beliefs. Great qualities in any person….RIP JACKIE

  95. Ken and Marilyn Young

    We watched the beautiful ceremony for Jackie from Cheltenham U.K. Such lovely tributes and we were struck by how brave Michaela, Nick and Sarah were, all speaking so eloquently about their Mum. Jackie was a colleague at Emirates, an exceptional doctor, great friend who was always fun to be around. Such wonderful memories.

    Such an unbelievably tragic loss.

    We will all miss her.

  96. Simon Rothwell

    Condolences to Michaela, Nick Sarah, Richard and family. Thank you for allowing us to be part of Jackie’s celebration of life, her amazing career and incredible achievements. I can recall many late nights spent at the Sellicks Hill property in South Australia and great memories of our house boat trip up the Murray River.
    Michaela, Nick and Sarah, she would have been very proud of your speeches today Thank you for sharing your memories and stories.
    She will be sadly missed.
    Simon, Sherryl, Kristen and Rachelle.
    Myponga South Australia

  97. Gianne Birdinc

    To my dear friend and work colleague at Emirates Airlines Clinic. How I will miss your infectious laugh, your wonderful sense of humour, selflessness, wisdom. There really are too many adjectives to describe your beautiful soul. I will cherish my memories of working with you and the fun social times we shared. Sending sincere and heartfelt condolences to Michaela, Sarah, Nick, Richard, Steve and the wider family. Rest in Peace Jax🙏❤️

  98. Gianne Birdinc

    I watched the beautiful service for Jackie from Istanbul, Turkey. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it.

  99. Sabine Schofield

    I am watching the replay from Geneva (Switzerland)
    God bless this wonderful woman
    RIP Jackie 🌹

  100. Brian Varndell

    From Perth, W.Aus- a belated viewing. To Basil and Siggi and all the family please accept my sincere condolences. A great daughter gone to soon. Love Brian Varndell and family.

  101. Janet

    Dearest Siggy , my heart goes out to you and your husband. The LORD comfort both of you. Heaven and eternity will be sweet when we enter. The devil and his workers will enter hell burning forever. Let our Heavenly Father be your comfort till then. You are dearly loved . Janet Eubanks. Inn America. . Missing all of you over. In Zimbabwe!!!!!!!

  102. Belle Ndofor

    Oh dear Jackie, 💔 it has been a painful journey to write this, as it means you are truly gone. At Intellectus Campus, we remember and honor you—a remarkable leader, colleague, and friend. Your vision and tenacity transformed our work from a local initiative into a global movement. 🌍 Together, we organized CME events that connected healthcare professionals across Zimbabwe, the SADC region, and eventually the world. 🌐 Under your leadership, we built a network of over 4,000 dedicated individuals who came together every Wednesday to learn and discuss topics in functional and integrative medicine, ethics, HIV, TB, and much more. 📚 Your passion united us all with a shared purpose: to improve patient care and to create African solutions for African challenges. 🌍

    Jackie, you were unforgettable—not only for your professional achievements but also for the warmth and vibrancy you brought to every interaction. 🌞 Your laughter was contagious, your spirit unwavering, and your commitment to both your work and community was truly inspiring. She leaves behind a legacy of improved health outcomes and countless lives touched by her guidance and dedication. 🌿 We were privileged to know you and work alongside you, and you will be deeply missed.

    Dear Michaela, Sarah, Nick, Richard, Steve, and the entire family and healthcare community, please accept our heartfelt condolences. 💖 We love and miss you so much, dear Jackie, but we will do everything we can to ensure your legacy lives on.

    “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” – Psalm 34:18 ✨ May this verse bring comfort and peace to those you have left behind, Jackie.

    Belle Ndofor, Intellectus Campus Namibia

  103. Leroy Lindsay

    Watching from Jamaica.
    Jackie was a good friend qhile we serve together st Emirates Airline in Dubai. She was an excellent Dr, and a people person, dedicated to her work and her friends. Her memory will live on with me

  104. Leroy Lindsay

    Watching from Jamaica.
    Jackie was a good friend, while we serve together at Emirates Airline in Dubai. She was an excellent Dr, and a people person, dedicated to her family, work, and her friends. Her memory will live on with me

  105. Susan Cottrell

    Jackie there are no words to explain the enormity of our loss. I was privileged to know you first, as a brilliant young student and head girl at Jameson and to have reconnected with you throughout your life. You were truly an inspiration and a beacon of light and truth shining through corruption, forever healing and loving those who’s lives you touched.
    Love and condolences to Siggy, Basil, Mark and Micheal and Michaela, Sarah, Nick and Steve .
    Jackie Rest in Peace

  106. Pride Ganje

    Dear Doctor Jackie,

    With heavy hearts, we bid farewell to a mentor and friend who touched our lives in profound ways. Your wisdom, guidance, and unwavering support have been a beacon of light for so many of us. Your absence leaves a void that cannot be filled, and our CPD sessions will forever bear the imprint of your knowledge and dedication.

    As we mourn your passing, we also celebrate the legacy you leave behind—a legacy of compassion, excellence, and true professionalism. Your impact on us, both professionally and personally, is immeasurable, and we will carry your teachings with us always.

    Rest in peace, dear Doctor Jackie. Your memory will continue to inspire us, your lessons will guide us, and your spirit will live on in all those whose lives you touched.

    With heartfelt condolences and deepest gratitude,

    Pride Ganje Intellectus Campus Zimbabwe

  107. Scott

    I was deeply saddened to hear about the death of Jackie Stone. I only know her from her courage and incredible energy displayed during the covid period and after. There is a particular resonance in that I have a very similar background to her, born and schooled in Zim, attended UCT, and like many other graduates, got on a plane and cut their professional teeth in the world arena. While I have no statistical data to back me up here 😉 there is a sense that Zims have a very pragmatic way of dealing with challenges that would put most other Westerners in a “terrible fix” and looking for some authority to preach on the matter. We Zims “find a way”, doing our very best not to inflict further harm, making use of the resources available at the time.
    My sincere condolences to her family, friends and colleagues. A terrible loss.


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