Arthur Francis Dudley Odendaal

Arthur Francis Dudley Odendaal

In memory of:




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  1. Callan

    Arthur, you were a part of our family,
    I remember all the special holidays out at the dam, thank you for being such a good friend to Brade and all the Williams’s …
    Our hearts are broken, but we take comfort knowing you have found peace 🙏
    To the Odendaal’s, God is close to the brokenhearted, May he provide you with comfort and strength 🙏

  2. Tanya Simleit

    Mouse.. your sense of humour will never be forgotten. Loved by so many, you will be missed and fondly remembered.

    Our deepest sympathy and condolences to Julie and all your family and friends. We were blessed to have you in our lives and may you now rest in peace 🙏

  3. Callan williams

    ❤️🙏🏻Geagte Arthur ❤️
    Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.
    1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 NIV

    Die Here is naby die gebrokenes van hart
    Rus Sag, Geagte Arthur, ons is so lief vir jou.

  4. Marthie Odendaal Kunneke

    Arthur my cuz, I remember you as this amazing gentle person. Although it were unfortunate circumstances for me to be close to my Odendaal family, I am thankful for the years we have in school together although not in the same standard. But I was able to get to know you for the person you were. Always this smiling greeting and with a gentle word, when we pass each other at school or Coen Vermeulen Hostel. For that I am forever thankful. Through the years I thought a lot about you, and your family. We were not in contact but you all were in my heart and thoughts a lot.
    Love you cuz.

  5. Antoinette Ferguson

    Those we love never truly leave us, but rather remain a song that will forever be carried in the wind.
    Arthur will never be forgotten.

    • Rob bentley

      Cheers arther. You were a good friend. So sorry jules. Til we meet again

  6. Linda Skinner

    Thinking of you all today. Deepest condolences.

  7. Ria and Willy Smith

    Dearest Aunty Marelize, Susan, Magriet and families, thinking of you all today as we farewell a very special person in our lives Arthur. Forever in our hearts 💕

    • Eileen Morrison

      Dearest Arthur. So regret not catching up with you the last time you were in Jhb. Such a shock. True friend to Brady & all the Williams family. I will always remember you as this’ huge’ presence, always ready with a laugh. Rest in Peace, gentle man. Deepest condolences to all the family.

  8. Ria and Willy Smith

    Dearest Julie, thinking of you too and sending hugs

    • Teresa Binneman

      Rest in peace Arthur. Condolences to tannie Marelize, Susan, Magriet and all family and friends.

  9. Ria and Willy Smith

    All other family and friends of Arthur, our thoughts and prayers are with you too 🙏

  10. Charmaine

    Dearest Arthur

    You were the most amazing and dearest special friend and it was lovely to keep in contact since school days and in our lives. You are special and were the warmest most kindest person I knew. RIP till we meet again my old friend…..

  11. Margaret Sekul

    Arthur my darling cousin. I am so happy we became so close. I will always love you and your mom and sisters. Can you give my mom your dad tannie Hester Oupa and Ouma lots of love ans kisses. Rest peacefully in the arms of our Lord. Lots of love Margaret and Erica.

  12. Angus

    True friend and gentleman. You’ll be greatly missed by all. Will have a drink for you.

  13. Annatjie Erasmus

    Vriendin van Marelise., kinders het saam skool gegaan.

  14. Annatjie Erasmus

    Vriendin van Marelise., kinders het saam skool gegaan.
    My hart gaan uit na Marelise Susan en Magriet. They

  15. Darren Goodinson

    Hey Arthur, RIP my old friend, sadly you left us early. But I am sure you had a great life while you where with us, you will be missed dearly, God bless.

  16. Margaret Sekul

    I love and miss you already. Glad we became close my darling cousin. Rest in Peace with Daddy and the others already gone to prepare for us. Lots of love Margaret and Erica xxxxx
    Alta and Dirk thanks for being there for those of us that can’t be there. Love to Tannie Marelize Susan Magriet and families

  17. Jenny Purchase

    Thinking of you all today. Sending our love and prayers from Missouri, USA.

  18. Mrs M Van Der Westhuizen

    Fly high Arthur, you will be sadly missed and never forgotten. Deepest sympathy to the family on your sad loss.
    Lots of love Eddie and Morena xxx

  19. Mary-Anne Wilson

    My laundered condolences to Maralize and all the family. A young gentleman and friend. You will be remembered Arthur , always lending a helping hand. My love and prayers to everyone. Mary Anne USA

  20. Lance Smith

    Thoughts and prayers to family, Aurther will be missed dearly

  21. Nicolle de Beer

    Arthur, far too young to have left us. My thoughts and prayers to you all. Love Nicolle

  22. Sharon Cochrane

    Thinking of you all & sending love & hugs. We will remember all the good times & his great sense of humour. The Cochranes – xxxx

  23. Jason Van Der Westhuizen

    Aurthur, you touched the hearts of my family from the very first Braai. You filled our hearts with joy, we and the kids couldn’t wait to see you.

    Forever grateful – RIP

    Jason, Stani, Carmen and Alec

  24. Zelda Krog-Bezuidenhout

    My hart huil vir julle verlies. Sterkte Tannie Marelize – dit is iets wat ‘n moeder nie moet meemaak nie. En dink aan julle Susan en Magriet. Kyk die stream hier uit Nederland. So sad dat ons almal soos ‘n handvol sand oor die wêreld versprei is. Die lewe gooi mens met ‘n paar onverwagte kinkels. Maar ons sal almal weer eendag saam wees. Sommige gaan net vinniger daarheen om in in te wag.

  25. Sampie & Wendy Boucher

    Thinking of all the family and friends. Rest In Peace

  26. Joanne and Chris Gattoni

    Dear Arthur. We have all been blessed with many things in our lives and getting to know you has truly been a blessing. One of our favorite memories was when you came to visit our new home on Merritt Island. Watching how much you enjoyed fishing off the doc, enjoying the sunsets, and hanging with the family showed us what a kind and gentle soul you are. Your 50th birthday party was such a surprise for you too. You were so humbled that you family and new friends celebrated your special day. Words, however kind, cannot mend this heartache. But remembering your life and the greatness of you brings us all comfort and strength in our love of you. You will be missed on this earth but never forgotten in our hearts.

  27. Brett Conte

    May you rest in peace Arthur. Thank you for bringing joy into so many peoples lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with Marelize, Susan and Magriet.

    condonleces from the Contes

  28. Alta Conte

    Arthur, my dear cousin, you have left such a void in our hearts, we will miss you so much, but will forever cherish the special memories. You will forever remain in our hearts. Love and miss you already! Sleep easy and rest peacefully now, lots of love Alta & Brett, Zambia

  29. Anel Kemp

    My hart gaan uit na julle Tannie Marelize, Susan en Magriet. Ek het nie woorde nie.

  30. Susan Gagiano

    The Broken Chain Poem
    We little knew that day,
    God was going to call your name.
    In life we loved you dearly,
    In death, we do the same.
    It broke our hearts to lose you.
    You did not go alone.
    For part of us went with you,
    The day God called you home.
    You left us beautiful memories,
    Your love is still our guide.
    And although we cannot see you,
    You are always at our side.
    Our family chain is broken,
    And nothing seems the same,
    But as God calls us one by one,
    The chain will link again.
    – Ron Tranmer

  31. Michelle Davis

    Arthur, you are now with the Lord in Heaven, reunited with your brother and your dad, and all the special people we miss dearly. One day we will all be together again.
    To Tannie Marelize, Susan, Magriet, Julie and all the family, my heart goes out to you, I send you love and hugs. Arthur was an amazing man and clearly loved by so many people, he will not be forgotten.
    Rest in peace Arthur.


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